it doesn't feel so long ago when i was still sitting for SPM. or when it ended and how relieving that felt.
the last paper
it doesn't feel so long ago that i went to cherating with the crazy-est bunch of friends.
the last night of our trip
smk taman sea's prom 2007 seemed so was hectic and flew by so quickly. i have to admit i didn't feel all christmas-y like how i usually do. it shouldn't be that way.
and today, the friends who've gotten the first batch of National Service have left.
2008 is in THREE days time!
vei li, yen li and kay lynn are going back to australia and new zealand soon! i'll be missing them.
most of the friends are starting college in january.
it was a good december, wished it didn't have to end. but it is going to. and so here comes the new year!