Tuesday, November 11, 2014

stay the course

"Christian life is like a big round boulder rolling uphill." 
- Mr Lian during Tuesday Night's Bible Studies.

Indeed it is unnatural and it is a struggle most times, but most of all it is impossible without the work and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

So, it's November. ALREADY?! This year has been so many ups and downs and in betweens. But I am thankful for God's faithfulness through it all and for the people in my life who have been there.

I left my university life and am embarking on new journeys and learning new things. I am going through uncertain phases and times where I am afraid of my own emotions and state of mind. And it's a whole lot of figuring out but I'm learning that I cannot figure it out on my own with just a lot of thinking and self-reflecting. I need the Spirit of God to convict and the Word of God to be a mirror to check my life and self. It's scary how far I've strayed off course at times and I suppose it begins with the little little diversions, the little compromises, the little put off's and procrastinating, the little distractions.

"Stay the course, Wai Yan!"

"Read my Word," He says to me. "Drink of my Spirit. Pray."

O Lord, keep me on the right course in this journey of life. One that is according to your will, that brings you glory and delight and that pleases you. Grant me the strength and empowerment to be like a rock that is rolling uphill despite the gravity of this world that pulls me away from you. Humble me that I may grow and learn from you. Teach me to walk in faith, in hope and in love. 
In Jesus Name, Amen.