Friday, September 28, 2007

God's Grace

God has been so amazingly full of grace to me this whole year, comforting and assuring me that He will take care of me through the tough and difficult situations. In the past two months, He has been so real to me in so many ways. I really need Him so much in my life every single step of the way.

SPM trials were one of those "tough times" this year. i really really do not fancy exams with all those late nights and early mornings. and i praise and thank God for blessing me with the results i got. :) looking back at all the years, He has blessed me so so much in my studies. i am so undeserving and i realised it's truly because of His grace.

Aunty Alice passed away last month. and i miss her a lot too. her life was one that was so full of faith and trust in God. being broken and in so much pain and hurt, she never ceased to praise God. prayer was a lifestyle for her. and i know she always prayed for our family. i've learned so much from her life, how blessed i am, a faith in God that is unshakable because its foundation is upon His Word and so much more. and i believe she's in a far better place now with God, where she is freed of her pain and is rejoicing. :)

NieNie left for UK two weeks ago. and i really miss her. she has been such a blessing and encouragement. for someone who's always been there for me, who has been there when i was struggling through something, it was hard to say goodbye knowing that i would face many more struggles in the future. but i am assured and i thank God that i have Him with me in every circumstance. :) i pray that God will continue to bring her to new levels of faith and i know that He is watching and caring for her. I Love You!

Grandpa passed away last night. we'll be going back to Ipoh today. and i really regret not going back with the family the last time they went back. i really love and miss my grandpa. i still remember when we were younger he'd buy us jelly and chocolates when we went back to Ipoh. he loved us so much. i really pray that my mom will be comforted by God's love, the news is probably hardest on her. i trust God to take care of this situation.

yeaps. it's been pretty tough. but i know that God did not just leave us to get through these hard times on our own. He is so full of grace and compassion. and in every situation, i will praise Him.
in time to come, i will face other circumstances. bigger and tougher ones. and i pray that i would still be able to say that i will trust in God and praise Him no matter what.

Rainbows are reminders of God's grace and love for me :)

The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.
Job 1:21

Dear God,
Thank You for your love and grace that carries me through.
In every situation, i will praise You!


Unknown said...

Hello Waiyan,
I love that picture of the rainbow, and it's wonderful that you can see the Lord's beauty in it!
I feel for you with all of the trials that you are going thru. But remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has said that He will not give us more than we can handle. It might not be easy right now, and I am sure you miss your loved ones, but w/o trials in our lives, we would never grow. I hope you find comfort knowing that your Aunt Alice is in heaven, out of pain and most importantly with our lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen! So, please remember that the Holy Spirit will always be with you to guide you along your Christian path.
Here's a verse that I love;
"Delight yourself in the Lord,
And He will give you the desires of your heart." - Ps.37:4.
Know what that means? ...find your happiness your everything in the Lord, live for our lord and your desires will be found completely in Him! :)
God bless,
richard (Buffalo, N.Y.)

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog and the beautiful picture.
May Godbless you always and keep you in his shining light, in our Beloved Jesus name xxxxx
Julie Annxxx

A.L.Adams said...

Hi Waiyan,
Thank you for the beautiful rainbow. I'm teaching my 2 year old about rainbows this week and I came across your picture and your blog. You are a remarkable young woman and I am inspired by you. Thank you for sharing your faith and trust in God and his Grace during the trials in your life. I am humbled and you've touched my life today with your love for our wonderful Savior. Thanks for reminding me how great God is today, and I hope that as time passes you remain strong in faith and grow in the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ.

Many blessings,grace and peace,
Aimee from Indiana, USA