Wednesday, July 29, 2009


i've realised that somehow, things fall into place in their own time.

i remember vaguely how very overwhelmed i was some weeks, months ago.
this and that to worry about. crying out to God and telling Him i can take it no more.
yet, today, i'm still alive. and i know that God is real.

it's really quite easy to just keep living life in the forward direction without looking back sometimes. after crossing through some rough patches, we sometimes don't want to even look back. sometimes,we're so happy at reaching the "good part" that we forget who brought us through the hard times. we're really very forgetful creatures in a way, i must say.

and if i hadn't looked back, i wouldn't have seen how God had been so faithful through those times where i struggled. i wouldn't have seen how He miraculously brought me through my circumstances.
it's really a wonder.

and i thank God so so so very much.

And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

my God will watch over me. and i know that He is in control in my life. no matter how dead end something may seem. come to think of it, i've been in so many dead ends, but somehow, God makes a way :)

i love Him.

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