Sunday, January 1, 2012

helloo, 2012 :)

2011 was a meaningful year.

It started out like how most of my new years start - with much hope and excitement. But to be honest, at certain points along the way and towards the end of the year I felt pretty broken. Always knew God was there, but to believe it at times, I admit, it was hard.

Yet in all my doubt and struggles, God was faithful through it all. God is faithful.

This year, I did a quite a bit of travelling; Kuching, Bali (my second stamp in my passport :P), Pulau Pangkor, and a few places here and there. I love travelling :D

This year, I got a bit more involved in UM; served in and through PKVUM, became an orientation helper (Pembantu Mahasiswa), joined the college committee, played a bit of netball, decided to stay in college, and in the process, build some pretty amazing friendships I will treasure.

This year, I experienced a lot outside my comfort zone; Gerakan PPUM where we went to the sick in the hospital to pray and bless them, SWEEP 2011 (and all the mini SWEEPs and Awesome Plans) exposed me to so much around me which opened my eyes and broke my heart, volunteering at the refugee school where I received more than I could give.

This year, both my grandmas passed away. This year a lot of people lost loved ones. This year a lot of calamities struck and took away a lot of lives. Lives, the only things that are eternal yet so fragile. Here today, gone tomorrow. It reminded me of the value of life - others and mine.

This year, I experienced God's grace at a new level. Through failures and weaknesses, He was my saving grace. He gave me second chances. He restored me, renewed me. Over and over again I am reminded, not by works but by His grace I am saved.

And so, I step into this new year, full of hope in God once again because I know that He was the God who brought me through 2011 and He is the God of my yesterdays, today and tomorrows! He is the true and living God. In Him I can trust. And in Him, I am made new. Thank You, God.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

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