Thursday, August 4, 2011

be careful what you say

the thing about people nowadays (me included) is that we’re not very careful with our words.

i remember when we were younger, “stupid” would get you into trouble. we were taught that it was a bad bad word and we were not to say it. but these days, we use “stupid” so carelessly. stupid this, stupid that. we use it for situations, people, things, etc.

i remember i used to struggle with maths when i was in standard 6 and once i said out of frustration “i hate maths!” my mom reprimanded me for using the word “hate” because she said it was a strong word that should not simply be used. i agree. yet today, i just have to take a look at facebook and i get to read all kinds of “i hate’s” on people’s statuses. in my opinion, “hate” is a very strong and destructive word.

well on the other hand, i think the meaning of the word “love” has been terribly misconstrued too. twisted, downgraded and misused. in its essence, “love” is such a beautiful and powerful word. however, it is used so lightly and simply these days. i myself have been guilty of this ‘sweet talk’ and because of that have hurt others and have been hurt by it too. i think many times  we don’t really understand the meaning of “love” when we use it. how can you say you love someone and a few months down the line that love just disappears or worse, turns into hate.

are we saying things we do not mean?

saying things we may regret in time?

are we saying things that hurt others?

are we saying things simply because we feel like it without thinking through its consequences?

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.
- James 3:9-10

Lord, forgive me for the things i have said that i should not have. Grant me Your wisdom and guard my lips that the words i speak will be careful and glorifying unto You. Help me to only say what i mean but to also think through the consequences of my words. Keep my heart close to Yours because out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.

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